
What is co-teaching?
Co-teaching is when two licensed educators work together to provide the highest quality of instruction to a group of students.

Who is co-teaching?
In Colchester School District there is pilot program of co-teaching across schools. At PPS teachers at the Kindergarten and Grade 2 levels are co-teaching in math. Natalie LaRose (grade 2 classroom teacher) Annie Brady (grade 2 special educator), and myself are co-teaching math. 

What does this look like?
Natalie LaRose, Annie Brady, and myself meet weekly to plan and prepare for the math lessons of the week. Annie spends two days providing instruction in each classroom. On Friday students work in targeted small groups depending on the skills that they need further instruction in. 

Annie and I primarily use the 'team teaching' method where we work together to deliver instruction to  all of the students. We also use the 'station teaching' method where we break students into small groups and provide targeted instruction. 

Why are we co-teaching?
The co-teaching model provides students with high quality instruction from two licensed educators at a time. This allows for more student feedback and small group instruction, earlier intervention if a student is struggling with a concept and more thorough whole group instruction. Last year's pre and post assessment data showed that the co-teaching model was highly effective for all students. 

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